Search people by Roman Name and explore their prosopographic data with many descriptions.
Write the full Roman name, or a part of it in nominative case; for example: Lucius Antonius Crassinus,
Antonius Crassinus, Antonius, Crassinus.
You can also search by a Societas without the cognomina of the related members; for example:
Quinti Caecilii, Caecilii.
Results card shows the Roman names of the search with the chronology of the character and the total of associated inscriptions in the database.
can be absolute:
annus = a. 145 p. Chr,
anni = an. 149-161 p. Chr;
or relative:
circa = ca. 145-149 p. Chr,
saecula = ss. II-III p. Chr,
terminus a quo (post quem) = p.q. 41/42 p. Chr,
terminus a quem (ante quem) = a.q. 10 p. Chr.
Ins refers the total number of inscriptions in the database.
Click on a row to see the selected data in the Prosopography file card.
Character File shows the summary information of the selected character.
Name is the full Roman Name of the selected character.
Socii collects the names of associated partners in the artifacts.
Dating shows character chronology; Dating
can be absolute:
annus = a. 145 p. Chr,
anni = an. 149-161 p. Chr;
or relative:
circa = ca. 145-149 p. Chr,
saecula = ss. II-III p. Chr,
terminus a quo (post quem) = p.q. 41/42 p. Chr,
terminus a quem (ante quem) = a.q. 10 p. Chr.
Products shows the list of associated products (oleum, vinum, garum, etc.) with the total number of objects.
Artifacts shows the typologies in which the inscriptions have been documented.
Total objects collect the total number of objects with the name of the selected character.
Sources list the bibliography of the basic studies about the related character.
Inscriptions card lists the inscriptions associated by the selected Roman name.
Basic Ref is the short citation of the most relevant paper who published the object data.
Artifact is accompanied by the name of typology.
Product shows the food commercialized.
Findspot is the place of discovery with its archaeological content.
Text of the inscription.
Class refers to the inscription class (sigilla, tituli picti, graffiti).
Dating shows the chronology with which the inscription can be directly dated.
Elements refers to the total of associated elements in the inscriptions.
Ins means the total number of inscriptions associated to the object.
Logged in users can filter the inscriptions result list.
Click on in front of Text to view the other elements associated to the inscription.