Search Inscriptions
Search for any inscription class in the database, like sigilla, tituli picti, tituli ante cocturam, tituli post cocturam. By default, the search is performed with the REGEX patterns, but you can also do it with the SQL patterns matching.
tituli picti
tituli ante cocturam
tituli post cocturam
SQL Patterns
REGEXP Patterns is the default search option and its operators with regular expression are described in this section.
  • '^co' string that begin with a particular substring.
  • 'er$' string that end with a particular substring.
  • 'er' strings that contain a particular substring at any position.
  • '^..pp' strings that contain a particular substring at a specific position.
SQL Patterns may contain two special metacharacters: _ matches any single character, and % matches any sequence of characters, including the empty string. You can use these characters to create patterns that match a wide variety of values.
  • 'co%' string that begin with a particular substring.
  • '%er' string that end with a particular substring.
  • '%er%' strings that contain a particular substring anywhere.
  • 'abc' matches successfully only if it matches the entire comparison value.
  • '_pp%' string that contain a substring at a specific position (the pattern matches only if pp occurs at the second position).
Results card shows the list of matched inscriptions. Basic Ref is the short citation of the most relevant paper who published the object data. Artifact is accompanied by the name of typology. Findspot is the place of discovery with its archaeological content. Dating shows the chronology with which the inscription can be directly dated. Class refers to the inscription class (sigilla, tituli picti, graffiti). Inscriptions refers to the matching epigraphic element. Elements refers to the total of associated elements in the inscriptions. Ins means the total number of inscriptions associated to the object. Logged in users can filter the search result. Click on in front of Matches to view the other elements associated to the inscription.