Welcome to the PIRIDI Project

The Piridi Project

PIRIDI is a research project on the Digital Humanities in continuous development. It is a space for exploration and reflection on how to organize and represent complex archaeological data for educational purposes. PIRIDI is an evolving idea without time limit, at the moment not tied to any institution. PIRIDI is an open access tool. PIRIDI makes available a set of smart tools designed for doing research.

What does PIRIDI mean?

P(rosopographia) I(mperii) R(omani)
I(nstrumentum) D(omesticum) I(nscriptum)

PIRIDI is a collective database work to establish the prosopography of people from the Roman inscriptions of the instrumentum domesticum.

We are working with amphorae and painted inscriptions to develop the main tools of the project.

How does it work?

The main engines services of the project are: Artifacts, Objects, Inscriptions, Prosopography and Atlas. For better understanding how they are related to each other:

  • An amphora (Artifact::typology) can have multiple objects associated.
  • Objects may have inscriptions of different classes (stamps, painted inscriptions, graffiti).
  • An inscription may contain one o more onomastic elements linked to the prosopographic database.
  1. 1


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Atlas shows the findspots of the actors existing in Prosopography database.

Project Timeline

2023-05-14 - Created Atlas search engine.

2023-04-30 - Add in Prosopography > Inscriptions and in Inscriptions > Results a dropdown button to see the other associated elements of the related inscription.

2023-04-19 - Add Prosopography tab in Objects > Findspots report > File.

2023-04-08 - Add a text filter in Prosopography > Search > Inscriptions and in Inscriptions > Search > Result.

2023-03-25 - Add Google maps tab in Object > Findspots report > File.

2023-02-23 - Revised project documentation.

2023-01-29 - Activated user registration.

2022-12-27 - Add Findspot Report to Objects.

2022-12-21 - Add Findspot to Object.

2022-11-06 - Add Bibliography tool in all sections.

2022-08-20 - Created Inscriptions search engine.

2022-06-24 - Add female gender in Prosopography.

2022-02-16 - Created Prosopography Indices for Nomina & Cognomina.

2022-02-11 - Created Prosopography::Search.

2022-01-17 - Created Objects::Search.

2021-12-10 - Add Origin feature in Artifact::Typology file component.

2021-11-09 - Add Relationship component to Artifacts::Classification.

2021-10-20 - Created Artifacts::Typological Tables.

2021-09-30 - Feeding & reviewing amphorae data ...

2021-08-31 - Created Artifacts::Classification.

Do I have to register to PIRIDI?

Yes, you need to register to have access to the full data and functionalities of the project PIRIDI. Registration is free, but a voluntary donation to help to cover the necessary costs of the project is most welcome.

If you have not done so, follow this link