Explore object data with many descriptions and the associated epigraphy if exists.
Basic Ref is the short citation of the most relevant paper who published the object data.
Full or partial search example: CIL XV-2, CIL XV-2 3639, 3639.
Findspot is the place of discovery with its archaeological content.
Full or partial search example: Testaccio, Oriens I, 3/4 in situ, Occidens, forma litt. C.
Results card show the list of matched objects.
Basic Ref is the short citation of the most relevant paper who published the object data.
Artifact is accompanied by the name of typology.
Findspot is the place of discovery with its archaeological content.
Ins means the total number of inscriptions associated to the object.
Click on a row to see the selected data in the Object file card.
Object File card collects a summary of description data with the synthesis of the properties of the selected object.
Matter is the solid substance from which the object was made (creta, aes, speculum, lignum, etc.).
Product means the nature of the content (oleum, vinum, garum, etc.).
Artifact is accompanied by the name of typology.
Findspot is the place of discovery with its archaeological content.
Dating can be obtained by different criteria (associated epigraphy, archaeological context, artifact typology).
can be absolute:
annus = a. 145 p. Chr,
anni = an. 149-161 p. Chr;
or relative:
circa = ca. 145-149 p. Chr,
saecula = ss. II-III p. Chr,
terminus a quo (post quem) = p.q. 41/42 p. Chr,
terminus a quem (ante quem) = a.q. 10 p. Chr.
Comments collects any relevant information about the object.
Sources list the bibliography who have published the object or that refer to it with some relevant information.
Epigraphy File card shows the different classes of inscriptions associated to the object.
Classes are grouped in the following order: tituli ante cocturam (graffiti before firing), sigilla (stamps), tituli picti (painted inscriptions), tituli post cocturam (graffiti after firing).
Each inscription class has its own comments with relevant information obtained from the referenced publication, or even with annotations from the editors of the PIRIDI project.
Images card is the gallery of the graphic documentation.
The images are classified in tabs by keywords.
The number under the image links to the paper where it was published.
Click on the image to magnify it.
Click on the icon to open the large image in a new window.