Explore Artifacts by their typological tables
Choose an artifact to list the currently available typological tables names in the Classification card.
Classification List card shows the best-known typological tables in the scientific literature. The list is not closed, other tables will be added in the future when necessary for the progress of the project. Click on a name to display its graphic information on the Typological Table card.
Typological Table card reproduces the graphic representation of the selected typological table in the order established by the author of the classification. Names marked with an asterisk* are considered canonical names. By canonical we understand the name of greater use in the scientific bibliography. The other lesser-used names are considered typological synonyms of old usage. The greatest information about a typology is centralized in the canonical names. Check on canonical tags radio button to see the primary definitions over the image. Check on synonyms tags radio button to see the secondary definitions over the image.
Classification List
Typological Table